Our Services

International Trade Consultancy

Helping you to plan and implement your export strategy for profitable growth. Our decades of doing business globally helps you to plan and prepare for your export journey.


In-depth research and analysis of your key target markets, providing you with a ready-made strategic market entry plan, taking you through step-by-step to achieve your objectives.

Parthner Track

A range of services providing cost-effective solution to expanding your business network with the support of proven experts in international expansion.

Fast Track

We have developed a unique diagnostic method to quickly assess the benefits to your business of exporting.

Market Track

Know your market. Know the potential. Know the challenges. Initial market research into your target market to assess the size of your opportunity.

Language Track

A comprehensive translation service to enhance your international credibility.

Leads Track

A cost-effective solution to find new customers inyour target market with the support of proven experts in international expansion.

Export Audit Track

Are you a Chamber of Commerce or Industry, Trade Organisation, Educational Establishment or other organisation which would like to carry out Export Readiness Audits independently?

Sales Track

Actively working with you and your team to implement a market entry strategy and expand your export sales, generating real results for your business.

Audience Track

Use our expertise for your speaker requirements, seminars, articles and books.


Faisal & Brothers International
426-B, Model Town, Gujranwala,

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